Remember the Why

Why do you even get out of bed in the morning? 

Simple answer - You need to work.  Your job pays your bills, supports your family, and supports your lifestyle.  I will ask again now - Why do you even get out of bed in the morning?  What is it that gets you out of bed?  Your mind.  If your mind is right, everything will follow.  Remember the why?  The why you get of bed.  The why you started exercising in the first place?  Even if you have not started yet, think of a reason as to why start now?

Easy answer to that is to be healthy.  BLAH F****** BLAH.  I think we all know by now exercise will keep us healthy.  Well no shit.  But that is not enough for most people to keep going or to even start.  Why do you want to be healthy?  Not to just be healthy.  Why?  

I want to be around for my girlfriend, now fiance (OMG,right?).  I want to keep myself out of the hospital - the likes of which I have spent too much time in because of poor family health.  I want to be proactive in keeping up with my future kids.  Most importantly, my why for getting out of bed - is to be somebody that my mom wanted me to be.

The point is, you need to always hold onto your why. 

When you feel like you are not your own priority, remember what gets you out of bed.  Remember why you do the things you do.  The mind is a terrible thing to waste, and if your mind is out of it, nothing good can happen.

Is your why to be around for your kids?  How about feeling good going out in public?  Maybe you just want to keep yourself out of the hospital.  You are going to wake up some mornings and try to come up with every excuse in the book to not run, or lift, or exercise, or whatever.  When that happens, just get up.

In a completely BULLSHIT time, we have to make sure we are doing things for ourselves.  I am not forcing anyone to come and see a trainer, or even go to the gym.  Totally not my style.  What I am forcing us all to do (strongly encouraging-you can’t force anyone to really do anything) is pick an activity, hobby, task or WHATEVER makes you happy and just keep doing it.  One small victory for yourself can be another productive step to creating better patterns and healthy habits.  If you find yourself along the journey seeking a gym, GREAT!  Until then, find the joy in something and stick to it.

Okay, anyone that has trained with me is probably thinking “Where is all the positive talk coming from?”  The answer is I don’t really know.  Maybe I am getting old, or maybe I have been surrounded by yellow labs.  Either way, just try out something new and joyful.

Couple Steps

  • Make your FAVORITE cup of coffee/beverage, and take 20 minutes to read your favorite book or longer (I don’t read and have no idea how long is good enough)

  • Look up at the sky once in a while

  • Go for a drive (or for a bike ride/walk if you don’t want to buy gas) and get lost

  • be continued


Mental Health In Sports


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