Let's Talk About the Resolution Thing

New year, new me.

Something I have always found so cliched was “starting the new year off right.”  If you are ready to make a change, or mix things up, it should start as soon as you get the idea.  However, that is not always the case.  Everyone is different, and processes things differently.  What works for my over-thinking, hyperactive brain, may not work for someone who thinks or processes in other ways.

Having a deadline, or a start date is an incredible thing to strive for.  Mentally, it can help you prepare your “mise en place” (things in place) in order to make a change and get started on something new.  I know for myself, I need to plan things well ahead of time to just mentally prepare. Usually though, it pertains to social outings.  

The biggest thing we hear from most people is “I have no problem getting started, but I never stick with it.”  First, getting started is literally the first step, so great job. The question being asked now is how to stay consistent. My answer has always been to start smart, and slow. Maybe diving into the gym 4-6 days per week is not the answer. Start with 1, and go from that point. My favorite answer is to work with someone. Yes, the personal trainer is putting out a shameless plug for personal training.  I have never cared about the money involved in this industry so take that out of your mind.  Instead, add the extra pieces to continue from that first step.

First Step: Walking into a gym

Second Step: Scheduling with a qualified trainer

Why? You are more likely to stay consistent if you have something scheduled with another person.  Accountability is huge!

Third Step: Don’t over-buy sessions

Why? You don’t know if you are going to like the person you are working with. Also, the sales
tactic being “We should start with 3 days per week.”  NO!  People process differently and bodies react differently. If you are new to the gym, again, no need to sprint before we walk. Many people have found benefits of starting with 1 day a week to get used to changes and to approach movements safely.

Back to the cliched “new year, new me.”  I will applaud anyone who has made the choice to make time for themselves, and start something that is potentially intimidating or just plain challenging.  January 1st, March 14th, whatever the date may be, just process how you think you can benefit from movement and putting your health first.

If you are thinking about embarking on a fitness program and have questions or just don’t know where to start, reach out to the SOMA VT Team for info.


A SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIP: Powerlifting and Orthopedic Massage Therapy


Semi-Private Training: Merging Personal Training and Training via an App