Top Benefits of Personal Training and Connecting with a Coach

Client performing half Turkish getup in gym with coach overseeing

One of the most common conversations we have with new clients is one about setting the expectations of their home gym and equipment vs. the personal training experience and why they should train at SOMA VT.

While there is unlimited content online and machines have exercises printed right there on them, none of that is tailored to you as an individual, with your unique body, and none of that is modified for the way you feel that day, or the injuries and mobility limitations you may have had over the course of your lifetime.

That’s what a personal trainer, especially the coaches here at SOMA VT, are here to do: create individualized programs tailored to your body and help you reach your own personal goals.

Back to the home gym for a minute, a home gym can 100% supplement a personal training plan and an established work ethic will boost improvements in any environment, so let’s dive into the benefits of adding personal training to your schedule, because while it’s not 100% necessary, it is incredibly beneficial.


Personal trainers and coaches, first and foremost are the accountability piece to your workout. When you have a session scheduled, it is harder to cancel on them vs cancel on yourself. Having to show up to a certain place at a certain time helps keep us all be accountable as we hate to let people down. Research has shown that this is true, people get results when they are held accountable by others. So even though the coaches at SOMA VT can be known to pace back and forth while waiting for clients, there is nothing we’d rather see more than you walking through that door (even if you are a little bit late).


As mentioned above, online workouts and home gym equipment are great resources, but having a trained professional write your exercise program, tailor it to your goals, and adapt it on the fly for your independent needs and biomechanical requirements is invaluable. Studies have shown that physical activity personalization is more effective for individuals than a “one size fits all” approach. Simply put, the trainer designs what is going to be of the most benefit and importance to you, (something not often offered online or at other local gyms.) 

Do It For You

One of the most undervalued benefits is the time and effort you put into yourself. Exercise can be challenging and overly demanding at times. BUT, most people will leave the gym feeling better than when they entered and more accomplished for the day. 

Working with a trainer or coach that you know is working with you and for you, gives you an outlet and opportunity to truly focus on yourself, even if just for an hour. The more accountable you are to yourself, the more active you will be, the better you will feel, and the stronger the connection you will have to your body.

The Personal Trainer’s Philosophy

When you work with a trainer, know that each trainer has their own approach and philosophy surrounding movement.

As an example, Coach Sam’s training philosophy hasn’t changed in the 12 years he’s been working with clients and the one constant has been people. Each and every person is different, and every person will get their own specifically designed workout plans.

It’s not just about exercises and physical movements, he tries to adapt and coach to each person’s unique personality and/or training type. Like the other coaches at SOMA VT, he tailors his approach to be toned down, fired up, loud, or soft-spoken, based on the person and the type of work being done. Whether you like to be yelled at, or calmly coached and corrected, we can tailor an experience to you.

The same thing goes when it comes to injury rehabilitation, injury rehab protocols may be the same for ACL repairs, or torn rotator cuffs, but each person involved with the injury is different from every other person with the same injury.  

Each person is different, and deserves to be trained as such.

More (Fun) Benefits of Personal Training at SOMA VT

  1. Creating a consistent routine

  2. Injury prevention

  3. Lowering of health risks

  4. Becoming part of a community focused on learning and people

  5. Developing confidence in yourself and your body

  6. Our coaches often act as a pseudo-therapists/sounding boards

  7. Different variations to familiar exercises and learning new ones

  8. SOMA VT coaches love to entertain you with free (and sometimes off-key) concerts during training sessions

  9. We are always learning, and we happy to join your on your new language journey while you are trying to plank

  10. On-demand valet service when you can’t park between the lines

  11.  An influx of food and cocktail talk

  12.  Crowdsourced gardening tips and hacks 

Interested in personal training at SOMA VT? Reach out to our coaches and inquire now.

Source: Lemstra, M., Bird, Y., Nwankwo, C., Rogers, M., & Moraros, J. (2016). Weight loss intervention adherence and factors promoting adherence: a meta-analysis. Patient Preference and Adherence, 10, 1547–1559.


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